Temple of Diana, Inc.
Amazons, Dianic Witches, Goddess Women
Female Sovereignty
Female Sovereign Sacred Space

in alphabetical order

Is a feminist spirituality foremother, ritualist, and author who has taught magical and ritual arts at festivals, conferences across the United States and internationally since her Dianic High Priestess ordination in 1980 when she inherited Dianic foremother Z Budapest’s Los Angeles ministry. Previously, Ruth’s interest in folklore, traditional folk music, and religion led her to begin a formal study of goddess spirituality in 1975 in Shekhinah Mountainwater’s first teaching circle in 1975, while pursuing a B.A.in Folklore as an independent major at University of California in Santa. Cruz. Ruth graduated with Honors in the major in 1976. She served the Los Angeles women's community through Circle of Aradia until 2020. In 2021 Ruth and Falcon River co-founded Temple of Diana, Inc., a national Dianic Temple dedicated to women’s magick and mysteries. Ruth is author of Women's Rites, Women's Mysteries: Intuitive Ritual Creation (Expanded 3rd Edition), and editor of Female Erasure: What You Need To Know About Gender Politics’ War On Women, the Female Sex and Human Rights. Ruth has contributed to other anthologies including Stepping Into Ourselves: An Anthology of Writings of Priestesses, Elders and Visionaries: Foremothers of the Women’s Spirituality Movement, and wrote the “Ritual” entry for Women In World Religions: Faith and Culture Across History
Ruth is also an award winning musician/priestess and mountain dulcimer artist whose numerous recordings are among the pioneering musical works in the Goddess Spirituality Movement. At the National Women’s Music Festival in 2011, she was recipient of the Jane Schliessman Award for outstanding contributions to women’s music from Women in the Arts. Ruth directed the Candlelight Concert at the Michigan Women's Music Festival from 1992 - until the closure of the festival in 2015. Ruth loves teaching women how to meet their own needs for meaning, healing, and celebration through ritual making.
Guardians of the Grove/Temple of Diana, Inc. www.guardiansofthegrove.org

Hestia began her studies in Dianic Craft in the late 1980s with Ruth Barrett after attending a memorable Autumn Equinox ritual with Circle of Aradia (now a member grove of Temple of Diana). Hestia was ordained a Dianic Priestess of Ritual by Ruth Barrett in 1992. She has served in leadership in many capacities at Circle of Aradia (circleofaradia.org). She teaches workshops and classes series and since 2020, Hestia has served as Deputy Convening Priestess of COA. Hestia also serves as a teacher's assistant for the online classes of Ruth Barrett and Falcon River. Hestia's magickal interests include ritual design and facilitation, divination, and education. Hestia has been a tarot reader for over 40 years with a specialty in tradition-informed intuitive reading. She lives in mid-Michigan, and enjoys the open road in her minivan camper. Hestia holds an undergraduate degree in Women's Studies and master's degrees in Counseling, and Behavior Analysis. She can be reached through her personal website, hestiabee.com, or by email hello@hestiabee.com.
Circle of Aradia/Temple of Diana, Inc. www.circleofaradia.org

has been on the Goddess path for over 30 years. She has studied with Circle of Aradia, a Spiral Door Mystery School graduate, served as a facilitator for Circle of Aradia and Sisters of the Moon, taught classes through The Spiral Door, and was ordained as Priestess of Her Wisdom in the Dianic tradition. She has given workshops at several Pagan festivals around the country; along with her Dianic practice, she facilitates an online women's Flametending group dedicated to Brigit, and with her family, practices a tradition created jointly with her husband, based on folk traditions, as well as participating in Celtic and Norse Reconstructionist Pagan rituals. She holds a Master's and a Ph.D. in Folklore & Mythology, and is currently a college professor, who focuses on women's vernacular religious lives.
Contact Kerry through Guardians of the Grove/Temple of Diana, Inc. www.guardiansofthegrove.org

SANDY CYBELE is an ordained Dianic Priestess of Inner Knowing and the convening priestess for Chalice Moon Grove. She has been teaching Dianic classes and workshops for over twenty years, but she has been a witch all her life. An experienced ritualistic and a long-time co-facilitator for Circle of Aradia rituals, Sandy is a Spiral Door Mystery School graduate and also leads monthly full moon circles. She first came to the craft formally in the early nineties when she and her daughter started taking classes from Ruth Barrett and realized they were hereditary witches with a family tradition. A teacher for fifty-plus years, she continues to teach part-time in the public schools, as well as teach Dianic workshops and classes. She is committed to maintaining a safe and sacred space in which womyn and their daughters can learn, grow, and thrive.
Chalice Moon www.chalicemoongrove.org

Cristina is the founder of the Dianic spiritual organization/Grove of Temple of Diana 'Templum Dianae' and creatrix of the occult botanica 'In Lumine Lunae'. She has been initiated in the Dianic Tradition and officially ordained Dianic Clergy (Priestess) by the Temple of Diana. She is also an author, esoteric herbalist, certified Plant Spirit Healing practitioner, trained in herbal medicine, member of the British Flower Essence Producers (BAFEP) and landscape architect specialized in healing gardens and therapeutic landscape.
Cristina has been teaching classes and workshops about occult herbalism, plants spirit and female spirituality in Italy and the UK since 2010.
Templum Dianae/Temple of Diana, Inc
Contact email: templumdianae@hotmail.com

is an ordained Dianic Priestess of the Guardian Path. She has helped create and support women's ritual circles since 1976. Falcon is passionately committed to awakening women to the mysteries of the guardian path, teaching practical energetic and magical skills for daily life. In 1999, Falcon co-founded Temple of Diana with Ruth Barrett, where she was core faculty for The Spiral Door Women's Mystery School of Magick and Ritual Arts. Falcon grew up in the Appalachian mountains of southern West Virginia, climbing the trees and crawling into every cave she could find. As a child, she was trained in traditional folk magic and medicine by her family elders. In her early 30’s. Falcon studied and apprenticed intensively with Dr. Dawna Markova, author of The Open Mind, a body of work dealing with perceptual learning modalities. Falcon also studied for several years with Linda Tellington-Jones and Robin Hood, learning the Tellington Touch/TEAM Techniques for working with horses and other companion animals in their healing and training. For more than 30 years, she was a professional bodyworker, healer, and clairvoyant working with animals and people. Falcon is also a traditional archer and is a Level II instructor with the National Association for the Development of Archery and the National Archery Association. Falcon has brought "Amazon Archery" to women's festivals and Pagan gatherings for decades as a tool for women's empowerment.
Guardians of the Grove/Temple of Diana, Inc. www.guardiansofthegrove.org

started on her Dianic journey on May Eve, 1974, with the Susan B. Anthony Coven#1 and Dianic feminist foremother, Z Budapest. Cerridwyn learned of the growing spiritual movement from her best friend Annu, who owned The Feminist Wicca occult supply store with Z. Following her desire to continue her spiritual path and to educate other women about the Goddess, Cerridwyn organized her first coven in the state of Washington where she did extensive research studying world cultures and their Goddess roots while pursuing a minor in history. In 1979, she returned to California, taking a master's degree in counseling at USC, and joined with newly ordained High Priestess Ruth Rhiannon Barrett in the new Moon Birch Grove coven. She was ordained as Priestess of Ritual and Herstory on Candlemas, 1981. Cerridwyn co-authored several seasonal rituals, some of which continue to be celebrated in Circle of Aradia. She is a graduate of the Spiral Door Women's Mystery School of Magick and Ritual Arts, a Dianic clergy training program. Cerridwyn was ordained as High Priestess at Winter Solstice by Ruth Barrett in 2011, during the 40th year celebration of the Feminist Dianic Tradition in Los Angeles. She holds center as High Priestess for Circle of Aradia to this day.
Cerridwyn is also an American Tribal Style belly dancer and teacher, who developed a dance troupe based on her dance training in New Mexico when she worked at the Pueblo reservation, and receiving her teacher certification in San Francisco. She brings this expertise in the power of women’s movement to her rituals and teaching.
Circle of Aradia/Temple of Diana, Inc. www.circleofaradia.org

SIEANNA IRENE is an ordained Dianic priestess of Her Sacred Crafts and a co-convening priestess of Chalice Moon Grove, a Temple of Diana Grove. Over the last sixteen years she has taught numerous Dianic craft classes. She became Dianic after a ritual was held for her hysterectomy surgery where everyone stitched their wishes into a warm throw to be used for her recovery. It worked, and she hasn’t looked back since. She has always been close to the earth and its animals, especially ravens and crows, who often bring her messages or give her directions when she’s lost. She believes all womyn deserve to have a sacred and safe space in which to deepen connections with their inner and outer worlds.
Chalice Moon/Temple of Diana, Inc. www.chalicemoongrove.org